126 |
UG - 2nd Year |
Vapour pressure-composition and boiling point composition of completely miscible solution |
CamScanner 12-01-2020 10.16.36.pdf |
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_qczXmgzGOA5ijeM5heUGhsXrZgiZHF6/view?usp=drive... |
01/12/2020 |
127 |
UG - 3rd Year |
Steady state approximation |
CamScanner 11-27-2020 15.15.16.pdf |
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_St22eqAVl78p12Qv-ln4Q_WEg4uCc-1/view?usp=drive... |
27/11/2020 |
128 |
UG - 3rd Year |
Hinshelwood theory |
CamScanner 11-26-2020 10.39.50.pdf |
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZvESgAH4dKfQVPBw_NdTnTFnjqm8A3Rs/view?usp=drive... |
26/11/2020 |
129 |
UG - 2nd Year |
Vapour pressure of non-ideal solution |
CamScanner 11-26-2020 10.35.22.pdf |
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZnY4Ah9MSSZPHDIVM0oh9oNJmAn1oXk0/view?usp=drive... |
26/11/2020 |
130 |
UG - 1st Year |
Laws of corresponding state /revision |
CamScanner 11-25-2020 11.31.26.pdf |
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZeC7_bkmhVwOWqM_DYKPU_Tc8EaaiPOJ/view?usp=drive... |
25/11/2020 |
131 |
UG - 3rd Year |
Lindemann theory of unimolecular reaction |
CamScanner 11-25-2020 10.56.01.pdf |
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZJvRHVWD4gkmCmTpDExZualBB1Vts8B1/view?usp=drive... |
25/11/2020 |
132 |
UG - 3rd Year |
Activated complex theory of bimolecular reactions. |
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Z9xbaLKVIDQSef9dDlaYE8swl6NSh7Hq/view?usp=drive... |
24/11/2020 |
133 |
UG - 2nd Year |
Volume, Enthalpy, Entropy of mixing of an Ideal solution |
CamScanner 11-24-2020 10.10.37.pdf |
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ym_qOGrlDIRvwE1ctOH_lr5bELw3qlz9/view?usp=drive... |
24/11/2020 |
134 |
PG - III Semester |
Problem solutions related with spectroscopy |
CamScanner 11-12-2020 11.01.00.pdf |
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YPyGABvEuiiAtfBBrgICHMIQanDHgifS/view?usp=drive... |
12/11/2020 |
135 |
UG - 1st Year |
Heisenberg Uncertainty principle. |
CamScanner 11-12-2020 16.31.42.pdf |
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YNhexlqWrtdIfwt6EYId0ebXlWUukWTm/view?usp=drive... |
12/11/2020 |
136 |
UG - 3rd Year |
Collision parameters |
CamScanner 11-11-2020 09.49.57.pdf |
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Xsa3o7eLy9ofFu99ibJ-239A8zrYDcmE/view?usp=drive... |
11/11/2020 |
137 |
UG - 2nd Year |
Thermodynamics of an ideal solution / free energy of mixing |
CamScanner 11-11-2020 09.39.05.pdf |
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Xdun9l-RCX2MFcybxVO_sYIcA7og8R5F/view?usp=drive... |
11/11/2020 |
138 |
UG - 2nd Year |
Solution / Gibbs -Duhem -Margules equation |
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XRpC-6T9UUICldW-T7J2MW4JyiBco5RC/view?usp=drive... |
10/11/2020 |
139 |
UG - 1st Year |
Success of Bohrs atomic model |
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XQlKua7kIpxUf7eEeldMndP-3kcnH9D6/view?usp=drive... |
10/11/2020 |
140 |
UG - 3rd Year |
Average velocity & rms velocity |
CamScanner 11-09-2020 19.52.15.pdf |
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WlWGvaTbILWlQf60RElbsShfWaH-tp42/view?usp=drive... |
09/11/2020 |
141 |
UG - 1st Year |
Atomic structure continue....... |
CamScanner 11-09-2020 19.46.02.pdf |
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WemVBLB-TnGj5cMpihitNVI9DGGJnLxy/view?usp=drive... |
09/11/2020 |
142 |
UG - 3rd Year |
Theory of rate process |
CamScanner 11-07-2020 13.33.36.pdf |
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WCU9bjqChKx6HheRc0eREwWnkOfdSVd3/view?usp=drive... |
07/11/2020 |
143 |
UG - 1st Year |
Dual character of an election/Devission and Grrmer experiment. |
CamScanner 11-07-2020 10.04.38.pdf |
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VtIxhv117E4SQlXPgOY2n1qlsRQDsLlZ/view?usp=drive... |
07/11/2020 |
144 |
UG - 1st Year |
Paper II, Unit-1 |
CamScanner 11-06-2020 11.54.45.pdf |
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VVQ_X_Ou3ORxjmrEwYNKuhng6asuCLRX/view?usp=drive... |
06/11/2020 |
145 |
UG - 2nd Year |
Solution continue...... |
CamScanner 11-06-2020 11.12.46.pdf |
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VQPW4YxD3zhzLAUGOF6oQBO3Dh_rGLyD/view?usp=drive... |
06/11/2020 |
146 |
PG - III Semester |
Spectroscopy; / Basic concept |
CamScanner 11-05-2020 10.33.40.pdf |
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V9xA8qmVytXvzNOE8tfVeAAHzpj5Ii7U/view?usp=drive... |
05/11/2020 |
147 |
PG - III Semester |
Intensity of spectral transition |
CamScanner 11-04-2020 11.07.53.pdf |
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ur964hhSwkFqM-DIVYHuhqJcUvgeVrth/view?usp=drive... |
04/11/2020 |
148 |
UG - 2nd Year |
Solution continue...... / Raults law |
CamScanner 11-04-2020 10.43.10.pdf |
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ui5VoIii9ZmX5uOqYfmKgMeJqbQDZ3u0/view?usp=drive... |
04/11/2020 |
149 |
PG - III Semester |
Vibrational spectra/ Normal modes of vibration |
CamScanner 11-03-2020 19.47.21.pdf |
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UdiI9BJkl6p4dC-8xJSN4E2BvLxve0RQ/view?usp=drive... |
03/11/2020 |
150 |
UG - 2nd Year |
Solubility & Henry's law |
CamScanner 11-03-2020 10.47.06.pdf |
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UYsn6aLleB2pQuLeNPcCWFDWE1gDuNFS/view?usp=drive... |
03/11/2020 |