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Subject: ZOOLOGY
Teacher Name: Mr. Vipin Kumar
Help Desk Number: 9470644227
Sl No. | Year/Semester | Topic Name | Documents | Link | Date | |
201 | PG - III Semester | Imprinting and conditioned Response | Imprinting and Conditioned RehlexLearned behaviour.pdf | https://meet.google.com/jiw-fxxe-ogb | 08/09/2020 | |
202 | UG - 2nd Year | Heart in Reptile | Heart in Reptiles.pdf | https://meet.google.com/fhv-kxpz-zds | 07/09/2020 | |
203 | UG - 3rd Year | Darwin's Theory | Darwin's Theory.pdf | https://meet.google.com/qqc-psyr-xgz | 05/09/2020 | |
204 | PG - III Semester | Definition and Types of Learned behavior | Definition and types of Learned Behaviour.pdf | https://meet.google.com/nyd-dfyp-fmd | 04/09/2020 | |
205 | UG - 3rd Year | Darwinism -Introduction & Theme | Darwinism -Introduction & Theme.pdf | https://meet.google.com/qvw-ktnr-zng | 02/09/2020 | |
206 | UG - 3rd Year | Role of Isolation in evolution | Role of Isolation in Evolution.pdf | https://meet.google.com/mzy-opme-zse | 29/08/2020 | |
207 | PG - III Semester | Types of Innate Behavior Cont. | Scan 28-Aug-2020.pdf | https://meet.google.com/qvw-nkcn-sze | 28/08/2020 | |
208 | PG - II Semester | Introduction & Objectives of Biological Classification | Scan 27-Aug-2020.pdf | https://meet.google.com/vnv-yybf-mte | 27/08/2020 | |
209 | UG - 2nd Year | Heart in Urodela Amphibians | Scan 27-Aug-2020 (2).pdf | https://meet.google.com/sgz-ndut-mte | 27/08/2020 | |
210 | UG - 3rd Year | Post mating Isolation mechanism | Post mating.pdf | https://meet.google.com/qbp-jhou-kvr | 26/08/2020 | |
211 | PG - III Semester | Innate Behavior | Inherent Behavior part - 1.pdf | https://meet.google.com/xxj-ndiq-bqx | 25/08/2020 | |
212 | UG - 2nd Year | Heart in Amphibia (Anura) | Scan 24-Aug-2020.pdf | https://meet.google.com/mbn-tkna-bii | 24/08/2020 | |
213 | UG - 3rd Year | Isolating Mechanisms & Premating Isolation Mechanism | Isolating Mechanisms .,.pdf | https://meet.google.com/equ-cwyc-sqm | 22/08/2020 | |
214 | PG - III Semester | Approaches of Animal Behavior | Scan 21-Aug-2020.pdf | https://meet.google.com/cbb-xxac-nuv | 21/08/2020 | |
215 | UG - 2nd Year | Heart in Dipnoi | Scan 20-Aug-2020.pdf | https://meet.google.com/evi-ikrb-jde | 20/08/2020 | |
216 | UG - 3rd Year | Online classes of Sources of Heridatiory Variations | sources of hereditary veriasions.pdf | https://meet.google.com/xke-vnkj-hzi | 19/08/2020 | |
217 | PG - III Semester | Online classes of Branches of Ethology | Scan 18-Aug-2020 (1).pdf | https://meet.google.com/kuw-bobp-agp | 18/08/2020 | |
218 | UG - 1st Year | Mode | part 1 Topic Mode.pdf | https://meet.google.com/xqm-btnc-uii | 17/08/2020 | |
219 | UG - 2nd Year | Online classes of Heart in Bony fish | Scan 17-Aug-2020.pdf | https://meet.google.com/epk-jrwg-ghk | 17/08/2020 | |
220 | PG - II Semester | Online classes of correlation | Scan 14-Aug-2020 (1).pdf | https://meet.google.com/cxh-ymjz-bbg | 14/08/2020 | |
221 | PG - III Semester | Online classes of meaning of Ethology | Scan 14-Aug-2020.pdf | https://meet.google.com/epf-mpwf-jtu | 14/08/2020 | |
222 | UG - 1st Year | Online classes of Definition of Mean | Scan 12-Aug-2020.pdf | https://meet.google.com/xuc-svgf-wrt | 13/08/2020 | |
223 | UG - 2nd Year | Online class of Heart in Cyclostomes | Scan 01-Aug-2020.pdf | https://meet.google.com/ais-agyq-ycd | 13/08/2020 | |
224 | UG - 3rd Year | Online classes of Meaning of Hereditary Variations | meaning of hereditary veriasions.pdf | https://meet.google.com/iep-yedo-bxy | 12/08/2020 | |
225 | PG - II Semester | Online classes of mean | Scan 12-Aug-2020.pdf | https://meet.google.com/gog-ncdt-sqk | 12/08/2020 |