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Subject: ZOOLOGY
Teacher Name: Mr. Vipin Kumar
Help Desk Number: 9470644227
Sl No. | Year/Semester | Topic Name | Documents | Link | Date | |
151 | UG - 2nd Year | Biting mechanism of snake's | part 2nd zoology (subs) Biting mechanism of snakes.pdf | 03/11/2020 | ||
152 | PG - III Semester | Social Organization of Primates | Scan 03-Nov-2020.pdf | https://meet.google.com/nkm-aywd-wib | 03/11/2020 | |
153 | UG - 2nd Year | Aortic Arches in Mammals | Scan 02-Nov-2020.pdf | https://meet.google.com/hij-miec-twb | 02/11/2020 | |
154 | PG - II Semester | Criticism of Darwinism Law | CRITICISM OF DARWINISM-1(1).pdf | 31/10/2020 | ||
155 | UG - 3rd Year | Introduction of Fossil | Introduction of fossil.pdf | https://meet.google.com/bgg-xtnp-ftu | 31/10/2020 | |
156 | UG - 2nd Year | Aortic Arches in Birds | Scan 29-Oct-2020.pdf | https://meet.google.com/krz-qiri-jjx | 29/10/2020 | |
157 | UG - 3rd Year | Quaternary period of Cenozoic era | ouaternary period of cenozoic era.pdf | https://meet.google.com/xum-opfs-djd | 28/10/2020 | |
158 | UG - 2nd Year | Aortic Arches in Reptile | Scan 22-Oct-2020.pdf | https://meet.google.com/naw-bzfq-vrp | 22/10/2020 | |
159 | UG - 3rd Year | Cenozoic era -Introduction & Tertiary peroid | Introduction and period of cenozoic era.pdf | https://meet.google.com/qcs-wsze-xxc | 21/10/2020 | |
160 | PG - II Semester | Hardy Weinberg law : equilibrium | Scan 19-Oct-2020.pdf | https://meet.google.com/mtz-cbcg-akw | 20/10/2020 | |
161 | UG - 2nd Year | Aortic Arches in Anurans | Scan 19-Oct-2020 (2).pdf | https://meet.google.com/hws-mwpe-zki | 19/10/2020 | |
162 | PG - II Semester | Hardy Weinberg law and evolution | HARDY - WEINBERG LAW AND EVOLUTION.pdf | https://meet.google.com/gpj-auwr-tzc | 16/10/2020 | |
163 | UG - 2nd Year | Aortic Arches in Amphibia in Urodeles | Scan 15-Oct-2020.pdf | https://meet.google.com/oyw-yfum-sfy | 15/10/2020 | |
164 | PG - III Semester | Life history of Social Behavior in Termites | Scan 14-Oct-2020.pdf | 14/10/2020 | ||
165 | UG - 3rd Year | Cretaceous period of mesozoic era | Cretaceous period of mesozoic era.pdf | https://meet.google.com/rbu-gibq-kww | 14/10/2020 | |
166 | PG - III Semester | Social behavior in Termites-Introduction | Introduction of social behavior in Termites.pdf | https://meet.google.com/ign-scbu-uyz | 13/10/2020 | |
167 | UG - 2nd Year | Aortic Arches in Dipnoi | Scan 12-Oct-2020.pdf | https://meet.google.com/bbz-nppe-wtm | 12/10/2020 | |
168 | PG - II Semester | Theory of Reproductive isolation | Scan 11-Oct-2020.pdf | 12/10/2020 | ||
169 | UG - 3rd Year | Jurassic period of Mesojoic era | Jurassic period of mesozoic era.pdf | 10/10/2020 | ||
170 | PG - II Semester | Role of Isolation in evolution | Scan 09-Oct-2020 (1).pdf | 09/10/2020 | ||
171 | PG - III Semester | Social behavior in ants | Scan 09-Oct-2020.pdf | https://meet.google.com/pnm-ujqu-oaw | 09/10/2020 | |
172 | PG - III Semester | Social behavior in Honey bee | Scan 07-Oct-2020.pdf | https://meet.google.com/sgv-irtx-zou | 07/10/2020 | |
173 | UG - 3rd Year | Mesozoic era - Introduction | introduction and type of Mesozoic era (2).pdf | https://meet.google.com/trj-zgub-rgb | 07/10/2020 | |
174 | PG - II Semester | Post mating Isolation mechanism | Scan 06-Oct-2020.pdf | https://meet.google.com/kdq-mkia-nwh | 06/10/2020 | |
175 | UG - 2nd Year | Aortic Arches in Teleost fishes | Scan 05-Oct-2020.pdf | https://meet.google.com/gxf-uxnn-gdy | 05/10/2020 |