1 |
PG - II Semester |
Pollutants |
https://meet.findmementor.com/PG2ndsemester |
08/01/2022 |
2 |
PG - IV Semester |
Origin of Elasmobranch |
https://meet.findmementor.com/PG4thsemesterTime11AM.Dr.Vipinkumar8.1.22.Fishspec... |
08/01/2022 |
3 |
UG - 2nd Year |
Integument of skin cont.... |
07/01/2022 |
4 |
PG - II Semester |
Control of water pollution |
07/01/2022 |
5 |
PG - I Semester |
Sex Determination -Objectives solve question part 4 |
2L.pdf |
https://meet.findmementor.com/VipinkumarpG1dated10.7.21 |
10/07/2021 |
6 |
PG - I Semester |
Sex Determination -Objec solve question part 3 |
1L.pdf |
https://meet.findmementor.com/VipinkumarpG1dated9.7.21 |
09/07/2021 |
7 |
UG - 3rd Year |
Objective solve question of Fossils |
Fossil objective solve question.pdf |
https://meet.findmementor.com/VipinkumarUG3rdyearsdate8.7.21 |
08/07/2021 |
8 |
PG - I Semester |
Sex Determination -Objectives solve question |
Sex Determination 2.pdf |
https://meet.findmementor.com/VipinkumarpG1dated3.7.21 |
03/07/2021 |
9 |
PG - I Semester |
Cell Cycle - meaning |
Cell Cycle.pdf |
https://meet.findmementor.com/VipinkumarpG1dated28.6.21 |
28/06/2021 |
10 |
PG - I Semester |
Sex Determination -Objectives solve question |
CamScanner 06-26-2021 14.54.51.pdf |
26/06/2021 |
11 |
UG - 1st Year |
Forest Ecosystem |
Forest Ecosystem.pdf |
https://meet.findmementor.com/Vipinkumarpart1dated26.6.21 |
26/06/2021 |
12 |
UG - 1st Year |
Desert Ecosystem |
Desert Ecosystem.pdf |
https://meet.findmementor.com/Vipinkumarpart1date25.6.21time10.50am |
25/06/2021 |
13 |
PG - I Semester |
Heterochromatin |
Heterochromatin.pdf |
https://meet.findmementor.com/VipinkumarpG1semesterdate25.6..21.Time10.00a.m |
25/06/2021 |
14 |
PG - I Semester |
Cell cycle - 3 |
cell cycle -3.pdf |
https://meet.findmementor.com/VipinkumarpG1dated23.6.21Time10.50am |
23/06/2021 |
15 |
UG - 1st Year |
Stratification of Fresh -Water Biota |
Stratification of Fresh -Water.pdf |
https://meet.findmementor.com/Vipinkumarpart1dated23.6.21Time10.00am |
23/06/2021 |
16 |
UG - 1st Year |
Classification of ecosystem |
classification of ecosystem.pdf |
https://meet.findmementor.com/Vipinkumarpart1date22.6.21 |
22/06/2021 |
17 |
UG - 3rd Year |
Objective solve question of Fossils |
Fossils.pdf |
https://meet.findmementor.com/VipinkumarUG3rdyearsdate22.6.21 |
22/06/2021 |
18 |
PG - I Semester |
Cell cycle - 2 |
Cell Cycle 2.pdf |
21/06/2021 |
19 |
UG - 3rd Year |
T S. of Spleen High Magnification |
T. S. of Spleen High Magnification.pdf |
21/06/2021 |
20 |
PG - I Semester |
Conjugation |
conjugation.pdf |
https://meet.findmementor.com/VipinkumarPG1Semesterdated19.6.21 |
19/06/2021 |
21 |
UG - 1st Year |
Nitrogen cycle finished |
Nitrogen cycle.pdf |
https://meet.findmementor.com/Vipinkumarpart1date19.6.21 |
19/06/2021 |
22 |
UG - 1st Year |
Nitrogen cycle cont...... |
Nitrogen cycle.pdf |
https://meet.findmementor.com/Vipinkumarpart1dated18.6.21 |
18/06/2021 |
23 |
PG - I Semester |
Reverse Transcription PCR |
Reverse Transcription PCR.pdf |
https://meet.findmementor.com/VipinkumarPG1semesterdate18.6.21 |
18/06/2021 |
24 |
UG - 1st Year |
Nitrogen cycle cont...... |
CamScanner 06-17-2021 20.21.06.pdf |
https://meet.findmementor.com/Vipinkumarpart1date17.6.21 |
17/06/2021 |
25 |
UG - 3rd Year |
Neo-Darwinism Process-1. Natural selection 2.Isolation |
Neo-Darwinism-1. Natural selection 2.Isolation.pdf |
https://meet.findmementor.com/VipinkumarUG3rdyearsdate17.6.21 |
17/06/2021 |