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Subject: IMB
Teacher Name: Dr. P. C. S Verma
Help Desk Number: 9430014144
Sl No. | Year/Semester | Topic Name | Documents | Link | Date | |
1 | UG - 3rd Year | Rust disease of Wheat | Rust of wheat.pdf | 17/06/2021 | ||
2 | UG - 1st Year | genetic code (12/06/2021) | genetic code.pdf | http://meet.google.com/kgu-pvup-zxy | 15/06/2021 | |
3 | UG - 1st Year | genetic code (12/06/2021) | genetic code.docx | http://meet.google.com/kgu-pvup-zxy | 15/06/2021 | |
4 | UG - 3rd Year | Late blight of Potato | Late blight f potato.pdf | http://meet.google.com/eep-bkzb-ofi | 18/04/2021 | |
5 | UG - 1st Year | Nucleic acid - composition (contd.); 19/10/2020 | http://meet.google.com/yki-btxz-wuv | 19/10/2020 | ||
6 | UG - 1st Year | Hershey and Chase expt.; experiments to prove RNA as genetic material, 15/10/2020 | Hersey and Chase_0.pdf, RNA as genetic material.pdf | http://meet.google.com/ris-crpk-rzs | 19/10/2020 | |
7 | UG - 1st Year | Characteristic features of genetic material; experiments to prove that DNA is the genetic material-Griffith's expt.;14/10/2020 | DNA-genetic material-1.pdf | http://meet.google.com/xwz-qopt-coh | 19/10/2020 | |
8 | UG - 1st Year | introductory class of IMB - I on 13/10/2020 | http://meet.google.com/que-gbfc-qrs | 19/10/2020 | ||
9 | UG - 1st Year | Characteristic features of genetic material; experiments to prove that DNA is the genetic material-Griffith's expt. | http://meet.google.com/que-gbfc-qrs | 14/10/2020 | ||
10 | UG - 1st Year | Characteristic features of genetic material; experiments to prove that DNA is the genetic material-Griffith's expt. | http://meet.google.com/xwz-qopt-coh | 14/10/2020 | ||
11 | UG - 1st Year | introductory class of IMB - I industrial Microbiology and its scope | http://meet.google.com/que-gbfc-qrs | 13/10/2020 | ||
12 | UG - 2nd Year | Photosynthesis-light reaction | Photosynthesis ; Light reaction.pdf | 28/07/2020 | ||
13 | UG - 3rd Year | Role of enzymes in plant disease | Role of enzymes in plant diseas1.pdf | 21/07/2020 | ||
14 | UG - 3rd Year | Transmission of Plant Pathogens | TRANSMISSION OF PLANT PATHOGENS.docx | 21/07/2020 | ||
15 | UG - 3rd Year | Transmission of Plant Pathogens | TRANSMISSION OF PLANT PATHOGENS.docx | 21/07/2020 | ||
16 | UG - 2nd Year | Respiration | Respiration..pdf | 21/07/2020 | ||
17 | UG - 3rd Year | Computer Application in FT | Computer Application in FT.pdf | 21/07/2020 | ||
18 | UG - 3rd Year | Computer Lotus Software | Computer Lotus Software.pdf | 21/07/2020 | ||
19 | UG - 3rd Year | Computer MS-DOS | Computer MS-DOS.pdf | 21/07/2020 | ||
20 | UG - 3rd Year | Computer Software Application | Computer Software Application.pdf | 21/07/2020 | ||
21 | UG - 3rd Year | Computer Hardware Graphics | Computer Hardware Graphics.pdf | 21/07/2020 | ||
22 | UG - 3rd Year | Fermentation Involved in Antibiotic Production | Fermentation Involved in Antibiotic Production.pdf | 20/07/2020 | ||
23 | UG - 3rd Year | Concept of Antibiotics | Concept of Antibiotics.pdf | 20/07/2020 | ||
24 | UG - 3rd Year | Industrial Fermentation | Industrial Fermentation.pdf | 20/07/2020 | ||
25 | UG - 3rd Year | Fed-Batch Vs Continuous-Fermentation | Fed-Batch Vs Continuous-Fermentation.pdf | 20/07/2020 |