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Subject: ZOOLOGY
Teacher Name: Dr. Faiyaz Ahmad
Help Desk Number: 9430572077
Sl No. | Year/Semester | Topic Name | Documents | Link | Date | |
1 | PG - II Semester | Mechanism of ENZYME Action | Mechanism of enzyme action.PDF | https://meet.findmementor.com/TDCPart2timing1255pm | 07/01/2022 | |
2 | UG - 1st Year | Ecological succession Contd | Ecological Succession .PDF | 10/07/2021 | ||
3 | UG - 1st Year | Ecological Succession | Ecological Succession.PDF | 09/07/2021 | ||
4 | UG - 1st Year | Ecological Succession | Ecological Succession.PDF | 08/07/2021 | ||
5 | UG - 1st Year | Respiration in Prawn | Respiration in Prawn.PDF | 06/07/2021 | ||
6 | UG - 1st Year | Peripatus | PERIPATUS.PDF | 05/07/2021 | ||
7 | UG - 1st Year | Wildlife Conservation (Part 2) | Wildlife Conservation Part 2.PDF | 03/07/2021 | ||
8 | UG - 1st Year | Wildlife Conservation (Part 1) | Wildlife Conservation Part 1.PDF | 02/07/2021 | ||
9 | UG - 3rd Year | Thyroid Gland (Part 2) | Thyroid Gland Part 2.PDF | 01/07/2021 | ||
10 | UG - 3rd Year | Thyroid Gland | Thyroid Gland.PDF | https://meet.findmementor.com/ThyroidGlandUG3 | 30/06/2021 | |
11 | UG - 1st Year | Peripatus (Part2) | Peripatus Part 2.PDF | 29/06/2021 | ||
12 | UG - 1st Year | Peripatus (Part1) | PERIPATUS.PDF | 28/06/2021 | ||
13 | UG - 1st Year | Sacculina | Sacculina .PDF | https://meet.findmementor.com/UG1Dr.FaiyazAhmad26.6.21 | 26/06/2021 | |
14 | UG - 3rd Year | Urine Formation in Mammals | Urine formation in mammals.PDF | https://meet.findmementor.com/UG3Dr.FaiyazAhmad25.6.21 | 25/06/2021 | |
15 | PG - I Semester | Gills of Fish | Gills of Fish.PDF | https://meet.findmementor.com/PG1FAIYAZAHMAD23.6.21 | 23/06/2021 | |
16 | UG - 3rd Year | Menstrual Cycle (Part 2) | Menstrual Cycle(Part 2).PDF | https://meet.findmementor.com/UG3FAIYAZAHMAD23.6.21 | 23/06/2021 | |
17 | UG - 3rd Year | Menstrual Cycle | Menstrual Cycle.PDF | https://meet.findmementor.com/UG3FaiyazAhmad22.6.21 | 22/06/2021 | |
18 | UG - 3rd Year | Menstrual Cycle | Menstrual cycle.PDF | https://meet.findmementor.com/UG3FaiyazAhmad21.6.21 | 21/06/2021 | |
19 | UG - 1st Year | Atmosphere | Atmospher.PDF | https://meet.findmementor.com/UG1 | 19/06/2021 | |
20 | UG - 3rd Year | Counter Connect Mechanism | Counter Connect Mechanism.PDF | https://meet.findmementor.com/UG3 | 19/06/2021 | |
21 | UG - 1st Year | Atmosphere | Atmosphere.PDF | https://meet.findmementor.com/UG1Dr.FaiyazAhmad18.6.21 | 18/06/2021 | |
22 | PG - I Semester | Ampulla of Lorenzini | Ampulla of Lorenzini.PDF | https://meet.findmementor.com/PG1FaiyazAhmad17.6.21 | 17/06/2021 | |
23 | UG - 3rd Year | Excretion in mammals(contd) | Excretion in mammals(contd).PDF | https://meet.findmementor.com/UG3FaiyazAhmad17.6.21 | 17/06/2021 | |
24 | UG - 1st Year | Obelia | Obelia.PDF | https://meet.findmementor.com/UG1FaiyazAhmad16.6.21 | 16/06/2021 | |
25 | UG - 3rd Year | Islet of langerhangs | Islet of Langerhang.PDF | https://meet.findmementor.com/UG3FaiyazAhmad16.6.21 | 16/06/2021 |