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Subject: ZOOLOGY
Teacher Name: Dr. Anita Kumari
Help Desk Number:
Sl No. | Year/Semester | Topic Name | Documents | Link | Date | |
276 | PG - III Semester | Fertilization-1 | IMG_20200817_190453.jpg, SAVE_20200817_185722.jpg | http://meet.google.com/oqg-cvwp-cpe | 17/08/2020 | |
277 | UG - 2nd Year | Bitting and Feeding apparatus of snake | IMG-20200814-WA0024.jpg, IMG-20200814-WA0027.jpg, IMG-20200814-WA0023.jpg | http://meet.google.com/svv-dvaw-xnp | 14/08/2020 | |
278 | UG - 3rd Year | Plasma membrane model - 2 | IMG-20200814-WA0026.jpg, IMG-20200814-WA0025.jpg | http://meet.google.com/swo-oodd-gkx | 14/08/2020 | |
279 | PG - II Semester | Laws of Thermodynamics 1 | Law of Thermodynamics.pdf | https://meet.google.com/bob-fwtg-qsw | 13/08/2020 | |
280 | PG - III Semester | BIOCHEMISTRY OF SEMEN | BIOCHEMISTRY OF SEMEN.pdf | https://meet.google.com/bob-fwtg-qsw | 13/08/2020 | |
281 | UG - 2nd Year | CHORDATA –CHARACTERISTIC FEATURES AND BASIC CLASSIFICATION (12/08/2020) | Vertebrata-.pdf | https://meet.google.com/mmj-bpzd-uhh | 13/08/2020 | |
282 | UG - 3rd Year | Plasma membrane structure and functions( 12/08/2020) | Plasma membrane structure and functions.pdf | https://meet.google.com/zar-miyy-rwb | 13/08/2020 | |
283 | UG - 2nd Year | REPTILIA: Classification of Living Reptiles-2 | Classification of Reptile.pdf | https://meet.google.com/xwj-juft-hrr | 10/08/2020 | |
284 | PG - III Semester | Previtellogenesis and vitellogenesis -1 | Previtellogenesis and vitellogenesis.pdf | https://meet.google.com/kfq-yixg-xdi | 10/08/2020 | |
285 | UG - 1st Year | RESPIRATORY AND CIRCULATORY SYSTEM :NERIES | Respiratory and circulatory System of Nereis.pdf | https://meet.google.com/xya-hkgz-xqn | 08/08/2020 | |
286 | PG - III Semester | Follicular Growth and Differentiation-2 | Follicular Growth and Development -2.pdf | https://meet.google.com/cnf-uwzb-frw | 07/08/2020 | |
287 | UG - 1st Year | Nereis- Digestive System | Digestive System of Nereis.pdf | https://meet.google.com/qak-zxhg-kgg | 07/08/2020 | |
288 | UG - 3rd Year | TRANSCRIPTION --- 1 | TRANSCRIPTION.pdf | https://meet.google.com/wix-ebdq-bvz | 06/08/2020 | |
289 | UG - 2nd Year | REPTILIA: GENERAL CHARACTERS | General Characteristics of Class Reptilia.pdf | https://meet.google.com/gsp-qhpn-dxt | 05/08/2020 | |
290 | PG - III Semester | OVARIAN FOLLICLE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT ---1 | Follicle growth and differentiation.pdf | https://meet.google.com/pbt-hiqz-jpq | 04/08/2020 | |
291 | UG - 3rd Year | DNA-REPLICATION-2 | Mechanism of DNA Replication 2.pdf | https://meet.google.com/rbr-oyzp-uaf | 04/08/2020 | |
292 | PG - III Semester | Factors affecting Sermatogenesis | Factors affecting spermatogenesis.pdf | https://meet.google.com/xcv-yrfw-hod | 31/07/2020 | |
293 | UG - 1st Year | External features of Hirudinaria | EXTERNAL FEATURES OF HIRUDINARIA.pdf | https://meet.google.com/bvu-pmws-dmi | 31/07/2020 | |
294 | UG - 3rd Year | DNA-REPLICATION-1 | DNA Replication.pdf | https://meet.google.com/nat-ayoc-gqr | 30/07/2020 | |
295 | UG - 2nd Year | Amphibia - NEOTENY | NEOTENY IN AMPHIBIA 1.pdf | https://meet.google.com/xag-mvyg-mdd | 29/07/2020 | |
297 | UG - 3rd Year | MITOCHONDRIA | MITOCHONDRIA.pdf | https://meet.google.com/hso-tred-nwc | 28/07/2020 | |
298 | PG - II Semester | Properties of carbohydrates | https://meet.google.com/byz-gxhc-cnk | 28/07/2020 | ||
299 | UG - 2nd Year | Amphibia - Classification upto orders | AMPHIBIA.pdf | https://meet.google.com/wzj-yozb-feq | 27/07/2020 | |
300 | UG - 1st Year | PERIPATUS : Structure and affinities | Structure and Affinities of Peripatus.pdf | https://meet.google.com/epr-tfzp-pmc | 25/07/2020 |